Our Top Up Loans are Here For You

The emphasis during this difficult and unusual period has naturally been on keeping people healthy and safe and, in the UK, making sure that our wonderful NHS is able to cope. It’s also clear that there will be a significant economic impact on the country and on individuals.
The pressure of increasing prices and squeezed salaries – especially for those furloughed or self-employed – is already starting to bite and credit unions are being called upon to step up to help That’s why we’re happy to offer our members top up loans to support them through these unusual times.
Our top up loans are ideal for members who have already taken advantage of borrowing from an ethical lender, and now find themselves in need of some more extra cash. Just like our other loans, CLEVR Money top up loans are provided with interest rates which are fair. We can make this promise because we work on a not-for-profit basis, and any surplus money we do generate is used to help our members and improve the community which we all share.
Top up loans offer a quick and easy way of simply adding to the original loan. It’s a more straightforward way of securing the extra cash without the need for applying for a new loan, either with us or elsewhere. If you want to find out more about exactly how our top-up loans work you can read more on our dedicated web page.

Even if the current crisis isn’t affecting your income, there are many reasons why you may need some extra cash. If a kitchen appliance such as a washing machine or fridge stops working then it will need replacing urgently now more than ever. The interest rates offered by other lenders, like high street banks, hire-purchase, or mail order catalogues can be much steeper than those offered by ethical lenders like CLEVR Money.
To help, we’ve kept the process of applying for top up loans as quick and simple as possible. You can make the application and provide all the information we need online, and we will deal with every application as quickly as we can.
In addition to our higher value top up loans, we have also changed the rules around our Family Loan top up, making it possible for members to renew the Family Loan every three months rather than every six. Family loans are worth up to £500 and are paid back directly from Child Benefit, allowing our members to access the money they need quickly and simply with the peace of mind of knowing that the repayments will be covered. As an ethical lender we’re always here to help our members cope with whatever life throws at them. Our top up loans are a quick and easy way to deal with a temporary cash flow problem caused by a drop in earnings or the extra expense of having to keep an entire family more or less confined to the house. If you want to learn more please get in touch with us.