Our Personal Loans Online Can Help in Hard Times
As social distancing continues in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, it looks like applying for personal loans online will remain the ‘new normal’. We understand the pressure which the various restrictions are likely to place on our members, and that’s why we’re working to make applying for personal loans online as quick and simple as possible.

Our personal loans online are an ethical solution to the kind of problems which can be caused by the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions. We understand the situation many of our current members find themselves in, with working hours being cut and news of nationwide job losses every day. Even those still in employment are finding their finances being squeezed. That’s why at CLEVR Money we support all our members no matter what their individual circumstances.
Our personal loans online have been designed to help our members deal with all sorts of financial pressures. While some people may be lucky enough to have savings to draw upon or a job which is relatively unaffected by the various rules and regulations, we understand that this is often not the case. Savings which may have helped someone get through the initial full lockdown could be running out during this period of more uncertain and shifting restrictions, and with the government furlough scheme coming to an end many more members might be facing the stress and worry of struggling to make ends meet.
When members apply for our personal loans online they have the peace of mind of knowing that they’re dealing with an ethical lender. This means that we don’t look to simply make a profit out of our members, we’re genuinely here to help, looking to make the lives of everyone in our community better. That’s why we keep our interest rates as low as possible, and also why our loan agreement are completely clear and up-front, with no hidden fees or extra charges in the small print.

We treat each of our members as an individual and only lend amounts which we know they’ll be able to pay back via payment plans which are easy to understand. When you take out personal loans online with us you know exactly how much you’ll be paying back in total and how much each weekly or monthly instalment will be.
Once the relevant information has been provided and an application has been approved we transfer the money into your bank account as quickly as possible. We want to work side-by-side with our members during this difficult time, and provide the help needed to keep them afloat while we all navigate what the ‘new normal’ means for us.