It’s Never Too Soon To Consider Our Christmas Cash Loans

If you listen very closely, you can hear the gentle ringing of sleigh bells and the angelic voices of a choir singing ‘Oh Little Town of Bethlehem’. That’s because, like it or not, Christmas is just around the corner, and with it the extra expense involved in buying food, drink and gifts. No matter how careful you are with your money the rest of the year, Christmas can put a strain on the finances, and that’s why our Christmas cash loans are so valued by our members.
The ever rising cost of living, and the fact that wages often struggle to keep up, can make it difficult to save for Christmas during the rest of the year. Even if you do manage to put something to one side, it only takes a leaking washing machine or a car breakdown to put you right back to square one. Our Christmas cash loans are all about making sure our members have the Christmas they and their families deserve, and we do that by acting as an ethical lender.
To begin with, that means only lending our members a Christmas cash loan which we’re certain they’ll be able to pay back.

Unlike some other lenders, we don’t penalise people for having less than perfect credit ratings or for not having a long track record of taking out and repaying loans. We treat every application on its merits, and will lend amounts that we’re certain our members can pay back, via repayment plans shaped for their circumstances. We’re able to make promises like this because we’re a not for profit organisation.
What that means is that we don’t have to ramp up interest rates to generate the directors bonuses, or hide charges in the small print so we can pull in a dividend for shareholders. We lend money in a completely transparent manner, with every member being offered exactly the same interest rate and no charges hidden away. We don’t charge a set-up fee and we won’t punish you for paying your loan off early. In short, we provide Christmas cash loans that get the job done and enable our members to celebrate a special time of the year without having sleepless nights worrying about how they’re going to pay for it.
Because we’re a part of the local community, we understand what the pressures of Christmas and its costs can lead to. We know that people often feel driven to turn to payday lenders, or purchasing from traders who charge massively high interest rates on products such as televisions and computer games. We also know that something as seemingly simple as a temporary overdraft can lead to charges which impact well into the New Year and beyond. Our Christmas cash loans are a means of avoiding that kind of financial stress, and enjoying a special time of the year safe in the knowledge that there ‘ll be no financial hangover when January comes around.