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How Parents Benefit from a Family Loan?

family loan £500 CLEVR Money

There's no doubt that the Family Loan has helped many parents during the years we have been offering it. But how that really worked out with them? This is what we asked few of our Family Loan borrowers recently. We received really some interesting answers.

Ashley has 2 kids, one is in primary school and a new born in August. She decided to take the Family Loan in May to prepare for the new born. The £500 became precious though, as she wanted to split them between back to school and new born necessities.

She contacted us asking for a higher loan and when we explained that it is not possible to change the amount of Family Loan in its current form, we assured her that there is still a way to solve her issue with the same amount. We explained that she could apply for a top up loan after 3 months, which fits perfect just before back to school. Applying for a top up, would not affect the repayment amount at all.

Congratulations to Ashley for her new born beautiful girl! Just a week ago, she applied for a top up to cover for back to school. She also is planning to apply again at the beginning of December to cover for Christmas expenses. "The Family Loan is becoming my financial solution for the extra expenses that I can't afford independently. When CLEVR Money told me that I also have savings in my account, I was very happy. I've never been able to save before." Said Ashley.

While we support with the Family Loan, an amount is also set aside in a saving account that the parent can take out any time they need. We're happy that the Family Loan has made a difference for Ashley. We have many other stories to share about our members who have found that little financial comfort with our Family Loan.

How did you benefit from your the Family Loan? email

What is the Family Loan?

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