CLEVR Money Solutions are Better Than Christmas Payday Loans

Here at CLEVR Money we understand the financial pressure that Christmas can often place on our members. We understand that, because we work closely with our members. We are not a faceless high street bank or a distant call centre. We know that paying for gifts, food and drink can often cost more than the funds available, even if you search for bargains and do your best to save throughout the year -. We also know that this can lead many people to taking out Christmas payday loans.
It’s not difficult to understand why our members might think Christmas payday loans are the answer to their problems. If you’re facing the prospect of not being able to buy the gift your child has set their heart on, or being unable to treat the relatives who are coming for Christmas dinner, Christmas payday loans can seem like a convenient solution.

The truth of the matter, however, is that Christmas payday loans come at a price. That price takes the form of extremely high interest rates. On top of that, many payday lenders include hidden fees or penalties in the small print and consequence of all of this is that your Christmas payday loans can end up costing you much much more than you can comfortably afford to pay back.
If you turn your back on Christmas payday loans and borrow from CLEVR Money instead, then you’ll be dealing with a completely different situation. That’s because we’re a credit union and we lend money in an ethical manner. We don’t lend in order to make a profit and any money we do generate is used to make the lives of our members and our local communities a little better. That’s why we can keep interest rates affordable and offer exactly the same rates to every single one of our members.
Unlike some Christmas payday loans, our loans come without any hidden fees or extra charges. We work in a completely transparent and up-front manner, so what you see is what you get. You’ll deal with a member of our team who’ll explain exactly what we’re willing to lend you, how often you’ll have to make repayments and how much those repayments will be. We won’t lend you more than we honestly believe you can afford to pay back and we’ll set repayments you can meet without going without elsewhere.

If your loan application is approved, then the money will be transferred into your account, leaving you free to start budgeting for the Christmas you have planned. Even better, once Christmas is over and you have to start paying the bills, you’ll be dealing with CLEVR Money repayments that are affordable and convenient.
If you’re worrying about how to pay for Christmas then don’t look into Christmas payday loans. Come and talk to us instead. We’ll do our best to help you out and offer a solution that enables you to sleep at night and start planning Christmas with a smile on your face rather than a worried frown.