An Affordable Alternative to Payday Loans Online

We know from experience that many of our members have, at some point, found themselves having to apply for payday loans online. Despite what many of us know, that payday loans online should be avoided due to the high interest rates they charge, avoiding them is often easier said than done when cash is needed in a hurry. We understand that saving for an unexpected event such as a car breaking down or a kitchen appliance needing to be replaced is all but impossible, particularly when wages have lagged behind inflation for so long. We also know that payday loans online seem to be everywhere, and they are frequently made available to people with poor credit ratings and that’s why people turn to them in times of need.
The good news for anyone thinking of applying for payday loans online is that here at CLEVR Money credit union, when we consider a loan application, we look a bit further than just a simple credit rating. We understand how easy it can be to end up with a poor credit rating despite your best efforts. It could happen simply because you work in a low paid job or have never borrowed money in the past, or just one forgotten payment could really hit your score. We deal with our members as human beings, not just numbers on a computer screen and work hard to help those who need us, and to make sure that we provide loans which are effective and affordable.
Unlike most payday loans online, our loans are offered with fair interest rates. That’s because we work on a not-for-profit basis, so we don’t have to bring money in to fuel bonus payments. Instead, we can offer the affordable rates to all of our members, and promise not to surprise them with any hidden fees or extra charges in the small print. We’ll also work with you to put together a repayment plan that we’re sure your finances will be able to handle, meaning that you can borrow from us and enjoy complete peace of mind.

It doesn’t matter whether you need the money to pay for school uniforms, home improvements or an emergency car repair. Once you’ve made your application to us we’ll consider it as quickly as possible.. And once we’ve made that decision, the money will be immediately transferred into your account for you to spend. Payday loans online may make the same kind of offer, of course, but they only do so on condition that you pay extremely high rates of interest, something which often drives people into borrowing more money to pay off existing loans and finding themselves trapped into a spiral of debt.
Our interest rates, on the other hand, are designed to be as affordable as possible, offering complete peace of mind as well as the first step toward repairing the bad credit rating, which limits your ability to borrow. We think that our members have the right to access the funds they need without being penalised for doing so and our alternative to payday loans online make this a reality.
Apply for a loan online today or call our dedicated loan phone number: 01253 478390